today i found out

What Kind of Power Did a Medieval Monarch Actually Have?

The Incredible and Hilarious Engineering of Answering Nature's Call... IN SPACE!

How Do They Make Decaf Coffee and Tea and Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine

$2 Billion Each - A Deep Dive Into the Incredible Engineering That Culminated the B-2 Stealth Bomber

How Did Germany DeNazify So Quickly After WWII

The Mysterious Death of Yuri Gagarin

What was It Actually Like to be a Gladiator, History's Literal Deadliest Fart Killing 1000s, & More

What Happens When You Find Buried Treasure, Stick Your Head in a Particle Accelerator & Much More

These are the insulators I found today

The Bizarre Tale of the Spontaneously Exploding Submarines

The Home of the Future

The Insanely Lucrative and Psychological Job of Chick Sexing

What on Earth is Ball Lightning?

Channel Announcement

That Time Germany Tried to Conduct International Trade... by Submarine

The Worst Aircraft of WWII

Who Invented the Submarine?

What the Heck is a “Dum-Dum” Bullet Anyway

Ticking Time Bombs- The World's Deadliest Lakes

The Many Harrowing Attempts to Assassinate Hitler

Conspiracy: The Stories Behind Flat Earth, All Seeing Eye, Little Green Men Fake Moon Landing & More

The Stories of WWII

What was it Really Like to Be a Lighthouse Keeper?

The Bubbling Tale of Who Invented the Lava Lamp